❀️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

Sinead O'Conner Neutrino Astrology Reading - Heretic or Saint?

Saturn in Pisces 

March /23 - May/25 

Saturn in Pisces represents the revealing of the corruption of the institutions that were put in positions of trust to care for and protect the vulnerable children in our world. Sound of Freedom is the door opening ... more is coming until 2025.

I just uploaded a reading that I presented on Sinead O'Conner's HD Astro chart. Saturn was last in the position of Pisces in the 1990's when Sinead infamously tore up the picture of the Pope.

She was well ahead of her time in her exposure of  the child abuse at the hands of the Catholic Church. She had this position of Saturn conjunct Chiron natally in her 4th house. She too was a survivor of child abuse by her mother who was a product of the doctrine of the Catholic Church.  And Sinead passed away during her second Saturn Return.

I look at her life through her chart- her recent past life, the ancestral karma she came in to transmute, her Divine Gifts and Challenges,...

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πŸ“• Relationship Last Chapter - Full Moon in the Shadow Codependency

The singer Sinead O'Conner passed over last week. It is said during the Venus Retrograde transit that we would see many people leave the planet. I talk a little bit about her chart at the beginning of my video. 

The Full Moon on August 1st is in the sign of Aquarius in the shadow of Codependency and the gifts of Sensitivity and Sacrifice.  

How Do You Know You Are Under the Influence of the Shadow of Codependency?

  • I fear being alone.
  •  I need attention and I use guilt in order to get my needs met .
  • I enter into relationships where I must sacrifice a part of my  true self.
  • I need to feel needed and I attract clingy people to me to avoid loneliness.
  • I'm isolated and alone and angry that no one is supporting me.
  • I'm believe that I am not enough and look to others for answers.


Basically Codependency is putting something or someone in between you and the Divine.

 Gate 19 ( Codependency) is part of the Channel...

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Venus Retrograde - Reclaiming Divine Child

Venus Retrograde (Until Sept 3/23) 

How Much Do You Love Your Authentic Self?

This is the question on the table until September. Of course this in turn makes us review our relationships. Are our relationships aligned with our self-love or our emotional wounding? 

Venus is in the Gift of Commitment - so it's choice time and a very emotional time for many.  Also expect those past relationships to come back for the Spiritual Testing of your commitment to your Self!

Why Don't We Love Ourselves?

Past emotional wounds that can be traced back to our wounded inner child. Venus Retrograde in Leo is the archetype of the Divine Inner Child!

What Are Some Signs of Unhealed Childhood Wounds? 

If you answered yes to many of these questions - it's time for you to do Inner Child /Emotional Work. My Awakening the Sleeping Phoenix Program is still On Sale.

Watch Video to see how this transit Impacts you according to your Astro Data

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New Moon Kicks Off New 18 Month Cycle

New Moon Kicks off New Themes - July 17 - Jan 2025.

Shadow of Intellect 

This New Moon is letting us know that we need transcend the addiction to using our intellect in order to navigate our life. 

Remember in Human Design,  that the mind and crown are not centers of awareness. This means that they do not have their own innate intelligence such as the Solar Plexus and Spleen.  

We need to learn how to go deeper into our awareness beyond our surface mind and ego. 

Nodal Axis Moves for 18 Months Until Jan 2025

Just after the New Moon the nodes of the moon move into the Libra/Aries Axis.

Since Jan 2022, the Nodal Axis has been in Scorpio/Taurus. How do you think you did?

Were you focused on your own comfort? Spending money on things and experiences that kept you in your comfort zone. Were you over focused on your material security? Did you postpone your inner shadow work because people around you weren't doing it and they looked...

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Full Moon Energy - Where in Your Life Do You Need To Persist? All Signs

38gk persistence struggle Jul 02, 2023

Full Moon Theme - July 3 - July 16/23.

Have you been doing your inner work? This Full Moon will illuminate an area if your Life where the Divine is calling to make an effort.

The Full Moon is in the Shadow of Struggle and the Gift of Persistence (38).

Shadow of Struggle 

We've been all conditioned to believe that Life is a Struggle. The truth is that to Struggle is to listen to the Ego and go against the universal flow of energy. This is when Divine Road Blocks are placed on your path letting you know - "You're going down the wrong path!"

Things such as not getting that job or person that you thought you wanted. Ego pushes you to use your life force energy to try to make it happen and of course you deplete your energy.

Gift of Persistence

This is when you meet Resistance or the "Catfish" in your life.

When they shipped live Cod from Alaska to China they found that the Cod were mushy and weak upon arrival. So they placed the natural enemy of the Cod which is...

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Timeline Shift - June 23 - Aug 26/23 - Transcend Shadow of Corruption

The story line of humanity has recently shifted.

Remember that we are integrating our shadow patterns from deep within the collective unconscious of humanity.

The karmic axis now says that we now need to transcend the shadow of corruption (50) and embrace the gift of innovation and innocence (3).

The Channel of Mutation is being activated by Pluto ( 60) and the North Node (3). North Node is our evolutionary North Star until Aug 26/23.

Great Change is Coming - Themes to Consider 

  • Let go of the fear chaos and disorder that always precedes great change
  • Refuse to give up your Values for the promise of  external security 
  • Let go of the belief that you are too little to make change 
  • Let go of focusing only on your personal survival 
  • Embrace your innocence - be like a Divine Child again - playful , laughing as you sit on the lap of God.
  • Trust Life and the Divine 100%
  • Know that chaos is part of the process of your Rebirth

 This New Moon is...

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πŸ”΄ New Moon - Shadow of Self- Importance Until July 2/23 - How to Benefit from this Energy

new moon self-importance Jun 19, 2023

Remember why we're on the planet? We're here to transcend the plane of Duality (opposites) - EGO/MIND - face our Shadows (fears) - to realize our Eternal Self (Soul).

This brings Permanent Peace and Happiness which we all really want but we've been misled by our own MIND and EGO.

Themes of this New Moon Energy

  • Be Cautious when overcome by Restlessness and desiring New Experiences. You are NOT getting a clear picture. (Neptune/Mercury activating the 35/36 Channel)
  • No one can harm you if you live from your Heart. Ego makes us believe we must shut down our hearts to protect ourselves. 
  • Focus on the similarities you have with others rather than your differences.
  • Learn to Discern what energies nurture your Soul vs your Ego. 
  • Try being in the moment and speaking from your Heart - trusting the perfect words will surface and be received by the other. 

 This New Moon is opposite the Galactic Center and it is the clearest representation of the Ego  so...

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Saturn Retrograde in the Shadow of Weakness

37gk saturn weakness Jun 12, 2023

Yes Our Spiritual Tests are Magnifying 

Saturn in Retrograde from June 17 until Nov 3/23 intensifies anywhere you are NOT in the Truth and aligned with Your Authentic Self.

Saturn brings these lessons on the material realm so that you're forced to confront them.

Saturn wants you to dig out those unconscious fears and dissolve them for good so you can Mature into your Spiritual Adulthood.

Saturn - Opportunity or Punishment?

It's your choice how you view the challenges in your life. If you choose, in this Now moment, to believe that Life is conspiring for your Awakening then that will become your experience.

Awakening is to feel happiness and joy for no reason.

Saturn in Shadow of Weakness (37)

Your shadow work is to face the fear that there is no support for you. The ego identifies with this fear and creates a story about how you must stay limited - afraid, angry, anxious, depressed or powerless. In other words to listen to your ego is to remain weak and...

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Full Moon - Shadow of Impatience - Transcending Time into Your Eternal Self

full moon Jun 02, 2023

Full Moon in the Shadow of Impatience and the Gift of Timelessness

 Do you know why you are on the planet? Do you ever ask yourself these kinds of questions?

You are here to remember that you are Evolving as a Soul lifetime after lifetime. One of our biggest challenges in the lifetime of a human is to transcend the Ego/Mind and face our Shadows (deepest fears).


The luminaries - the Sun and Moon can show us the energies that are surfacing in the Unconscious Collective of Humanity. The Full Moon is in Sagittarius and in the 5th Gene Key ( shadow of Impatience). From the qualities of these archetypes we can see what we need to shed to become more of our Authentic Self ( Higher Self).


You can see that the Tarot Card for 13 degrees Sagittarius is the 9 Wands which tells us that we must Persevere as we go through these intense Spiritual Tests that can keep us up at night with anxiety and worry( 9 Swords). This means continually choosing Love and Faith...

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History Repeats from the 1500's - All Signs

history mars pluto May 28, 2023

I've had this nagging feeling that Humanity is now repeating the past. An old timeline making itself known. Do you intuit this too?

Massive Change on the Planet

I looked back in time to see when Pluto and Neptune were in the same position as today. 

Well we go all the way back to the early 1500's which was a lightening rod for massive change on the planet.

Deja Vu - Power Struggle in the 1500's

At that time the Catholic Church had been most powerful institution on the planet. The Pope had total control over the Monarchy. The bible was written in Latin and the common people were not privy to learn this language - only the elite trained clergy. The Catholic Mass was also only spoken only in Latin to further the control over the masses. At this time the Corruption of the Church was being exposed (Pluto in Capricorn) and the bible was translated so that common people could understand. The invention of the  printing press empowered the...

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