❤️ Aquarian Relationship 🌟Level 2🌟 Online Retreat - May 10-12

New Moon in Shadow of Distraction - Ring of Trials

distraction newmoon Jul 19, 2020

New Moon - July 20, 2020

This new moon is in the sign of Cancer and in the Shadow Pattern of Distraction. 

Out of all the 64 hexagrams, there are only 3 that make up the ring of trials. This means that every single person must face these deepest fears (shadows) on their hero's journey.


 This new moon calls our attention to the many ways we get distracted out of our center of power. Distraction keeps our attention on the external world (Maya) which is being dismantled for the Aquarian Age.

The External is only a Reflection of our Inner State. 

The Great Awakening is actually taking place inside each one of us. 

Who is behind what we see out in the world? No, it's not the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, the Windsors, the Vatican or even a Reptilian Race and their secret agenda to enslave the human race.  This too is all part of the shadow of distraction.

GOD is behind all of this and it's  beautifully orchestrated for your...

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⭐️ What's the Spiritual Meaning of Cancel Culture? ⭐️

Happy Lunar Eclipse! Eclipses can bring sudden and unexpected changes into our lives. What is falling away? What are you letting go of in your life? You have been working on one specific area of your life for the past 2 years so it shouldn't be a surprise.

What Do You Need to Know?

 Up in the sky there is a planet retrograde party. Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Neptune are all retrograde. This means our human focus in on our past - the purification of ancestral memories that is stored in the 75% Junk DNA. Through the magic of the Maya - this gets projected out in our external world

Cancel Culture

Cancel Culture is "refers to the popular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive. "

Spiritually speaking this is like trying to get rid of livers spots on the hands without going to the source of the real problem.

Watch or listen to my video (20...

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What's the Spiritual Reason Behind the Violence Out in the World?

Sat Nam, Aloha!

You've probably noticed the surge of violence in the world since the mass protests started back in late May. Just this weekend there were 102 people shot in Chicago with 14 dead and that’s just one city!

What's Going On?

 The violence that we see out in the world is just an Effect of what's going on in the Unconscious Collective of Humanity.  In these times of great chaos, we as light bearers need to go to the source of this darkness.

Ancestral Shadows are Lifting 

Remember that ancestral memories are lifting for the Aquarian Age and that's why we see these old stories being played out on the world stage.

Mercury's Timeline  in the Shadow of Provocation (39)

 The shadow of provocation (39) rules violence and it's the ancestral fear of losing one's freedom.

According to the Human Design Chart of the Collective:

 June 6 - Mercury moved into the shadow pattern of provocation (39) 

June 18 - Mercury...

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Social Uprisings from a Spiritual Perspective

currrent events Jun 18, 2020

Sat Nam, Aloha 

It was predicted as we enter the Age of Aquarius that we would see more and more social unrest. Remember what we see out in the external world is only a reflection of what is going on in the Collective Unconscious of Humanity.

We are Waking Up!

What we are seeing is the dismantling of structures that have kept humanity disempowered and controlled for thousands of years. 

Collapse of Social Hierarchies

 In the Piscean Age, Hierarchies were the way in which we organized ourselves as a humanity. These Hierarchies are fear based systems focused on the oppression and dishonoring of other human beings.

The Shadow Pattern that rules Hierarchies is called Dominance. Incidentally, we just moved through his collective shadow last week which is why you probably stood up to some bullies in your life including your own mind!

Through our childhood conditioning we are placed in these Hierarchies according to our race, gender, class, culture, education,...

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Fall of an Empire from a Spiritual Perspective

Sat Nam, Aloha

It doesn't matter where you live - we are all being impacted by the Social Uprisings that we see all over the United States. The world we know it seems to be out of control, filled with fear and headed for a cataclysm. 

It's important during these times to go within and  elevate your perspective. What looks like chaos is actually a sign that a consciousness is being birthed.  You can simply do this by closing your eyes, slowing down your breath and asking GOD, "Please let me see the world through your eyes."

We are also headed into eclipse season and the first one is this Friday, June 5th, 2020. Full Moon eclipses slam doors shut in order to get us back on track towards our Soul's Destiny. 

Join me for a LIVE Class this Friday @ 11:11 am (HST)  for a chat and Kundalini Yoga Meditation. I'll keep the video up in case you can't make the time zone.  Just subscribe and ring the bell to be notified. 

Fall of An Empire

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Solar Flares are Triggering the Evolution of Humanity

The ancients  warned us how we would see more solar activity during this time of Great Transition into the Aquarian Age. This has also  been said by other wisdom traditions - so it is not a big a surprise. And we can expect to see more solar activity in the years to come. 

On May 29, 2020, The Sun released the biggest Solar Flare since 2017. 


How the Solar Flares Can Affect You Personally:

  • Irritability and Anger
  • increased sensitivity
  • sleep problems
  • headaches
  • weird body pain that comes and goes
  • ringing in the ears
  • blurred vision
  • moments of disorientation
  • overwhelmed by anger, fear, sadness
  • feeling fatigue and exhaustion

These are all effects of the solar activity. The solar flares are penetrating the electromagnetic field of the earth - the aura - and this powerful energy is also penetrating the aura of your little planet - the planet of you  - your physical body.

These solar flares are triggering your emotional body to start releasing. These...

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Is There Hope for Our Future?

beauty hope May 17, 2020

This is an amazing clip from an interview with Dr Zach Bush on Hawaii. 

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KY Meditation for Full Moon In Scorpio

1st gk full moon scorpio May 07, 2020

A Full Moon in Scorpio can bring up strong intense emotions from the past. The shadow side of the the archetype of Scorpio can be vengeful, possessive, intolerant, jealous and secretive.  If you have every crossed a Scorpio you know that stinger can hurt!

The higher purpose of this Full Moon is to let go of any of these negative emotions that are still lingering from the past so you can be a conduit for Universal Love. This is the perfect opportunity to let all of it go - the grudges, resentments, hurt and pain!

It's going to affect you in a particular area of your life depending upon your  Zodiac Sign. So check out my recent video to learn more how you can use this energy.

Practice this Powerful Meditation to Let Go of the Past and to Forgive ...

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Full Moon in Shadow of Entropy for ALL 12 Signs

On May 7, 2020, the Full Moon is in the sign of Scorpio and in the Shadow of Entropy.

Something for you got triggered on April 22nd is now coming to its culmination point. A hidden secret will be revealed this Full Moon. How will this affect you? What is trying to be birthed into your life? 

Watch the introduction and then fast forward to your Rising, Moon and Sun Signs to learn more. 


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