โค๏ธ Aquarian Relationship ๐ŸŒŸLevel 2๐ŸŒŸ Online Retreat - May 10-12

Karmic Axis is Shifting - March 15th - New Shadow Work

The karmic axis is shifting this week on March 15th  and remains there until July 31, 2022. 

 Freak to Genius Channel

The karmic axis consists of the south and north node of the moon. On March 15th, it forms the freak to genius channel (43 -23)  that connects the ajna to the throat. This transit can give us the ability to tap into insights that could possibly change the way that we see and think about the world. 

Letting Go of Deafness and Embracing Simplicity

The south node is in the 43 which means that we are being called to let go of the shadow of deafness. This shadow makes us deaf to the voice of our Soul so that we only listen to the voice of our Ego. 

We are to embrace the North Node which is to embrace the gift of Simplicity. The most elegant way to bring more simplicity into your life is to get rid of excess clutter in your home but also in your mind and emotions.

Voice of the Soul vs Voice of Ego

In the video I talk about 5...

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Birth of the NEW Aquarian Relationship Mars and Venus in 41st Hexagram

41st fantasy mars venus Mar 06, 2022

Mars and Venus are conjunct in the 41st Hexagram from March 9 -15th 2022. Have you been thinking about your relationships or lack there of since Feb 2022?

New Mars Venus Cycle

Venus and Mars in the 41 says that we are beginning a new cycle of learning in our relationships.

All of our institutions are changing for the Aquarian Age and that also means marriage and the way that we relate to one another. We will no longer be attracted to one another out of a genetic desire to procreate the species or from fear of the opposite gender.

What Does it Mean to Find Your Soul Mate?

In the video I talk how the experience of meeting your Soul Mate is a vital part of your Spiritual Development. But it's not what you have been led to believe.

Each person has their idealized version of their perfect mate that lives deep within their personal unconscious mind.

Instead of integrating our personal ideal as it arises, our Shadow projects this ideal onto another person. You could...

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New Moon - Completion - Shadow of Doubt

63rd doubt truth Feb 27, 2022

The New Moon is in the sign of Pisces on March 2, 2022. This indicates a completion of a cycle of energy that you have been working on for the last month.


Shadow of Doubt

The New Moon is in the 63rd hexagram that comes off the mental center.

This is the shadow of doubt and the gift of Truth.

Doubt belongs in the area of duality - "a this or that" state of consciousness.

Our mind doubts where we are in life. Our mind doubts our relationship, career and even our place of living.

Our mind is seeking mental certainty which is impossible. Life is uncertain and always has been.

We really doubt the Divine and our Higher Self's ability to guide us through life through our intuition. 

The Gift of Truth

When we transcend doubt we are left with Truth. Truth is not fact, an opinion or the result of a logical argument. Truth is a frequency. We are all connected to absolute Truth but we are each a different expression of that Truth. Therefore your Truth may be different from my...

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Seeing Through the Veil - Moving through the Shadow of Victim

This week the Sun moves into the 55th hexagram which is the Shadow of Victim and the Gift of Freedom.

Solar Plexus Mutation

The Solar Plexus Mutation coming in 2027 is very connected to this 55th hexagram. 

This week we have the opportunity to transcend the shadow of the victim that lives within each one of us.

The victim and martyrdom relates to the last 2,000 years of the Piscean Age. 

Collectively we can see the shadow of the victim playing out through the shadow of limitation (Pluto in the 60th until December 2025).  Look no further than the Freedom Convoy in Canada. 

How to Transcend the Victim

Transcendence means to END the TRANCE. For the last 2,000 years we have been transfixed by the Maya (the External World). To transcend the Victim is to see through the Veil.

Watch my video to learn about my personal experience with the Truth that nothing is as it seems.

 We must also realize that we are Eternal Beings of Light without...

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Good News - Full Moon - Destiny Awaits

Some Good News to share for this upcoming Full Moon on Feb 16, 2022. We could definitely use some good news in 2022.

Full Moon Squares the Karmic Axis

The Full Moon is in the 29th hexagram. This is the shadow of half-heartedness and the gift of commitment. 

The Full Moon is Squaring the Karmic Axis which means that something that is destined will occur this week for you.

You can see that the North Node is in the gift of authenticity and this is where we are to go for our evolution.

Everything that happens to you this week is to liberate you onto your authentic path.

The only caveat is that you must take action to activate your destiny. And this means you will have to take an emotional risk and it will feel uncomfortable. Remember that no growth happens without discomfort. 

Watch the Video to Learn more about the shadows. Mars and Venus Conjunction - the birth the New Aquarian Relationship and more.


If you haven't watched the video on the Karmic Axis - check that out...

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The Aquarian Age Means Mass Rebellion

aquarian age rebel Feb 06, 2022

The ancients told us that as we enter into the New Age of Aquarius we would experience mass social uprisings across the globe. 

Rebel - Aquarian Age

As part of my Aquarian Age series, I'm exploring the qualities and characteristics of this new Age.

Last week was the exploration of Friendship. Be sure to watch it if you haven't already.

This week is the exploration of the archetype of the Rebel. 

There is a difference between the False Rebel and the True Rebel. 

The Aquarian Age demands that we all embody our Authentic Rebel nature. This means to individuate and become our Authentic Self. 

There are 5 differences between the True and False Rebel -  covered in the video.

This time holds the potential for a massive rebirth of humanity. We must let go of our old ways of being as they won't work anymore. It is time to operate from the light of our Soul instead of the darkness of the ego. 

Be sure to make some time to Watch the video - so...

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๐Ÿšš Truckers Freedom Convoy from A Spiritual Perspective

You've probably heard about the Truckers Freedom Convoy in Canada. There are now approximately 150,000 trucks that have descended upon the capital of Canada - Ottawa, Ontario. This event has inspired other truckers around the globe to follow suit demanding the end to jab mandates, passports and freedom for all.

Friendship - Aquarian Age

It's interesting that this movement started on Jan 23, 2022 one day after the Sun moved into the 41st hexagram. This is the start of every cycle of human experience.

This event has captured the hearts of people around the world and bringing people to tears watching the footage from people actually there.

This event is showing us that the Spirit of Friendship is being liberated from the collective human unconscious.

We are touched by to witness such selflessness because it reminds us of our true nature. Humanity is rooted in kinship - related not by blood but by Spirit. 

Friendship is a major quality of the Aquarian Age. ...

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LIVE - Real New Year Meditation

41st new year Jan 23, 2022

 You may be feeling a shift of energy despite mercury being still in retrograde! (Jan 14 - Feb 4)

The Sun has moved all the way around the mandala back to the beginning - the 41st Hexagram.


What Does the 41st Hexagram Represent?

The 41st hexagram is the start codon and it rules the beginning of every new cycle of human experience. 

Think of the archetype of the Fool in the tarot deck about to go on a new journey. This means that you will now be energetically supported to manifest your dream.

Shadow of Fantasy 

The 41st hexagram is the shadow of Fantasy and the gifts of Anticipation and Emanation.

This is all about manifesting your Soul's desires. The typical Ego desires for fame, wealth, adoration or the perfect body belong to the shadow of Fantasy.

Jim Carrey famously said, “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.”

The shadow of Fantasy, has...

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Karmic Axis is Shifting - NEW Shadows Coming - Jan 18 - March 15/22

8th authenticity Jan 17, 2022

Happy Full Moon today! It's in the shadow of distraction (56). This  energy is about letting go of distractions that keep you from your Soul's Destiny. These dynamics will be illuminated for you to see and feel clearly.


Karmic Axis is Shifting

The nodes of moon represent the karmic axis and they are shifting the zodiac signs of Sagittarius/Gemini to Scorpio/Taurus. This is a big deal for us because our Spiritual Lessons are changing.

The South Node is weakening or what we are called to leave behind. It's in the Shadow of Compromise. The North Node is what we are called to embrace and is in the Gift of Authenticity.

Our human language has been highjacked by the Shadow Consciousness that rules this world. 

In my video ( 20mins) I talk about the true spiritual meaning of the word Compromise. It has to do with all the little decisions that we make that drain our power.

Until March 14, 2022, Evolution wants you to stop making compromises and to...

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Pluto Moves into the Shadow of Limitation until 2025. What Does this Mean for Humanity?

60th gate limitation pluto Jan 09, 2022

The good news is that Pluto is finally moving out of the shadow of Psychosis which it has been sitting in for the last 3 years. This means we'll see more people come out of the spell of hypnosis. The bad news is that Pluto is moving into the shadow of Limitation for almost 4 years.

Of course, "Good or Bad" depends upon your level of consciousness. 

What Does Pluto Represent?

It takes Pluto 248 years to orbit the Sun and move around the mandala. It will be returning to the very beginning (41st) in 2026 which launches a whole new cycle of experience for humanity. 

Pluto is the king of the Shadow and is digging up our deepest fears in the darkest parts of our psyche.

Pluto also represents our relationship to power. Since 2019, Pluto has pushed us to explore the mysteries of life to discover our own individual Truth. However, many people chose fear over faith and were swept away by the shadow of psychosis.

Pluto Moves into...

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