โค๏ธ Aquarian Relationship ๐ŸŒŸLevel 2๐ŸŒŸ Online Retreat - May 10-12

Don't Fall for the Trap this Week. How to Avoid it.

The Open Heart Center 

You''ll notice that the 40th gate comes off the heart center - the pink triangle in the chart.

This means all week long the heart center will be defined by transit. Please check your chart to determine if your heart center is defined (colored in) or open ( all white).

70% of the population have an open heart center and 30% have a defined heart center.  

The Heart Center rules will power, the material world and our self -worth. 

This week we have the potential to get caught in traps.

In my video I describe this in further detail and more importantly how to avoid this trap.


NEW - Live Inner Child Webinar Series 

Saturn and the Father Wound 

Sunday September 19 and 26th 

6:00 pm (PST)

Click to Hold Your Spot


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Full Moon - What Will You Choose this Week?


Full Moon is in the Energy of Commitment

The Full Moon is in the shadow energy of Half-Heartedness, the gifts of Commitment and Devotion. 

As a human collective, we are experiencing birth pains as we let go of old ways of being. What is being born is  Christ Consciousness - the product of the integration of shadow and light. This is the Divine Child that is being born in each one of us. 

We are evolving through the emotional body which represents  our wounded inner child. Only when this child ascends does it transmute into the Divine Child - innocent, pure and a powerful creator for building this new Earth.  We are returning to our natural state as a humanity. This is a time of great potential even though it may look very dark.

We are being called to leave navigating life through the mental awareness ( the mind) and making the great leap into the solar plexus awareness ( the emotional body).  What we initially...

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๐ŸŒž Sun in the Shadow of Intolerance and Important Hopi Message

This week our Solar Sun is in the 4th Gate until Tuesday - Aug 17th.

This is the shadow of intolerance and the gifts of understanding and forgiveness. This 4th gate comes off the mind (ajna) center which gives us information about the mechanics of this shadow pattern. 

Intolerance and Division

We are seeing intolerance covering our planet at a break neck speed.

Intolerance is a belief that another person or group of people have control over our destiny.

Spiritually, Intolerance is using the mind to try to get rid of insecurity. The mind uses logic to get rid of those uncomfortable emotions that are releasing from the Collective Emotional Body.

Solar Flares and the Emotional Body  

The electromagnetic field of planet Earth is breaking down through Solar Flare Activity. The electromagnetic field holds our memories in place.

Ancestral memories have been releasing from the collective of humanity since 2012.

These memories are...

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๐Ÿฆ Lion's Portal this Sunday - What Does It Mean For You?

This New Moon is also called the Lion's Portal. A time when the unified field will be infused with Divine Energy.  The moon is also in the 7th gate which is all about our relationship to leadership. 


Shadow Leaders vs Light Leaders

We really haven’t seen true leadership on this planet and it's mainly because we've been steeped in shadow frequency or victim consciousness.

In a nutshell shadow leaders are motivated by power and money. It is because of this shadow that many people follow and obey these leaders without question. Both need each other to exist.

It will not be until the planet and humanity raises its frequency that we will be able to even see the Light Leaders. That's why if we elect new leaders it's the same corruption because it's the same shadow consciousness in a new disguise.

Some people are waking up to this corruption because the Tribal Consciousness is breaking down for the Aquarian Age.  This means the ...

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โœ๏ธ Who's Writing Your Story? Chiron in Shadow of Control and Gift of Authority

Sat Nam, Aloha

Chiron shows the collective wounding of humanity. It is in the shadow of control (21) until May 24, 2022. It's part of the channel of sustenance which rules the distribution of material resources.

Who is Writing Your Story?

We have not been taught the power of the word. In my latest video I talk about how words actually imprison and limit our perception of reality.

Humanity is in a story written by our own hand. The problem is that when we are in shadow we give our authority or authorship to the external. This mean that we are allowing someone else to write our story for us. Humanity is in a deep spiritual lesson to come into correct relationship to authority.

Why Do We Give Our Power Away?

It is our wounded child self (that never grows up) and by default gives their power away to outside authorities. We have been taught to obey authority from day one on planet Earth.

So when a person does try to take their power back - they're faced with all the trapped emotions of...

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๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking the Piscean Hypnotic Trance - Transcending Neptuneโ€™s Illusions

We are leaving the Piscean Age of the last 2,000 years and moving into the Aquarian Age.

Neptune rules the Age of Pisces and at the shadow frequency is  linked to illusion and deception. The ruler of the Age of Aquarius is Uranus and that is linked to mass awakening 

In the Piscean Age we have been in a trance - this means we have been transfixed by the physical world. This really sets in from the age of 14 to 21 - we become transfixed by the material world, our bodies and our 5 senses. This trance keeps us limited in our perception of reality and as a result easily controlled and manipulated by the external world.

I recently watched an eye opening interview with a professional hypnotist and he was shocked to see main stream media and outer authorities using these tricks of hypnosis on the masses. In my latest video I put these notes into a spiritual context and offer you a away out of the Piscean Trance.


I will be sending out a free Kundalini Yoga Meditation to...

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๐Ÿ›‘ How to Repel Spiritual Parasites - Neptune in the Gate of Crisis - 2025

Neptune Retrograde

The planet Neptune is our spiritual mascot. It represents how we spiritualize and return to Unity Consciousness.

Neptune is now in the 36th Gate of Crisis until 2025. This is the shadow of emotional turbulence and the gifts of humanity and compassion

We now have Neptune, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and Chiron all retrograde! This shows us that it is time to bring our loving attention inside to our own healing.


Parasitic Consciousness vs Homo Sanctus

The time we are in has been prophesized by many of the ancient traditions. Humanity is entering a profound time of change and evolution for the Aquarian Age.

We are seeing the confrontation of these two consciousnesses. Here's the secret - it's going on inside you, me and every human on this planet.

Just like in the physical world we have physical parasites that impede our health we also have spiritual parasites that block our spiritual development.

Please watch or listen to my video - How to Repel Spiritual...

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๐Ÿ˜ฒ Emotional Week Ahead!

Channel of Emoting

Have you been feeling emotional this week? Maybe feeling numb, depressed, disillusioned, angry or hopeless? Maybe you're experiencing physical body flare ups? Or reactive towards others? Judgmental? Old painful memories surfacing? Reaching for those old addictions and distractions?

These are all signs that your emotional body is getting poked and prodded.

The Channel of Emoting (39-55) has been activated from July 1 - July 8, 2021.


What Does it Mean?

The Sun is in the shadow of provocation in the root chakra pointing up to Jupiter in the shadow of victim in the Solar Plexus.

This channel is going through a massive mutation for the 2027 Solar Plexus Mutation.

For the Aquarian Age we are evolving through the Solar Plexus (Emotional Body). This means that stuck charged emotions from our past need to be integrated.

The 39 is the draino and plunger liberating our stuck emotions and moving us out of victim consciousness (55).

Be sure to watch the video to learn...

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๐Ÿคฉ Shadow of SELF-IMPORTANCE (enemy) Through ALL Signs

Sun in the 12th Gate

The Sun falls in the 12th gate this week. It's in the shadow of self-importance and the gifts of discernment and purity.

p>Self-importance (12) is the enemy to Awakening

Self-importance is the last layer to dissolve on the path to Unity Consciousness. Spiritually speaking, self-importance is when we create an identity out of our human experience.

So for example if you identify with your experience of being a mother. If someone indirectly challenges your mothering abilities - this shadow will drive you to defend yourself. 

The 12 gate is connected to the dropping of the larynx 85,000 years ago. This is when human were able to communicate with one another.

The shadow of self-importance calls us to  face  our fear that someone can take away our freedom.

Most People spend their time feeling offended by someone's words and actions

It  takes energy to defend yourself in this way. This shadow reaction steals the radiance from your aura.


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๐Ÿ˜ฒ New Moon Solar Eclipse - Shadow of Domination through All of the Signs

New Moon Solar Eclipse - June 10/21

Solar Eclipses bring fated events in surprising and unexpected ways. They can feel like miracles from the Divine.

The energy of a Solar Eclipse can ripple forward for 6 months.

Solar Eclipse in the 45th Gate

The shadow pattern lifting is Domination to give us Synergy and Communion.

This is all about how we have structured and organized our society into hierarchies. 

The shadow is connected to the reptilian part of our brain. It is this reptilian consciousness that hierarchies are built upon.


Qualities of the Reptilian Consciousness

We all have it! This is the animal part of us that is territorial, competes, fears and reacts to threats to our survival. It is concerned with food (money), sex, shelter and power. I elaborate on this more in detail in the video.

This consciousness has ruled our world for thousands of years and is breaking down for the Aquarian Age because it is no longer serving our evolution.

Bully - Doormat


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